SBRA membership is open to companies and organizations
involved with systems building of residential, commercial and industrial
buildings. Anyone interested in the development, evaluation and demonstration
of innovative techniques for designing, constructing and delivering
factory built structures can apply for SBRA membership.
SBRA is governed by a eleven-member Board of Directors. Only SBRA Members are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Membership is divided into four classes based on the applicant's field of work.
To become a member of the SBRA, complete the form below and mail along
with a check for first year dues. Checks should be made payable to
the Systems Building Research Alliance and sent to: 1776 Broadway,
Suite 1250, New York, NY 10019.
SBRA Membership Application Form
Membership in SBRA provides an opportunity to leverage resources.
Creating new products, technologies, and programs targeted to the
systems building industry, members find their joint efforts are often
the difference between success and failure in the marketplace. The
ability to rapidly innovate by bringing technological advances into
the factory is a tool that the systems building industry alone possesses,
providing a competitive edge over less industrialized methods of construction.
Advances in technology lead to higher quality products, increase the
industry's visibility, and promote its efficiency, value and affordability.
SBRA also provides a forum for communication. It is an effective platform
for sharing views, for making connections and for participating in
cutting edge developments. In an increasingly competitive business
environment, membership in SBRA is the single best way to keep abreast
of developments that can alter the systems building landscape.
- Participate
in research projects. Collaborate with companies involved in all
aspects of factory building on cutting-edge research and development.
- Shape
the direction of research. All members are eligible to serve on
the Board of Directors, serve on project steering committees and
participate in semi-annual roundtable discussions of research
accomplishments and future needs.
- Receive
support and information related to participation in current projects
and programs, such as ENERGY STAR.
- Receive
significant member discounts. Members receive reduced rates on
ENERGY STAR program Quality Assurance label fees; SBRA publications,
including design and construction guidelines, research reports
and technical papers; and project-related marketing and promotional
- Receive
quarterly updates on research trends, project results and program
accomplishments via email.
- Gain
access to the "Members Only" section of the web site
to download free copies of SBRA guides, research reports and technical
- Receive
industry recognition for leadership in ENERGY STAR programs.
is conducted in a collaborative manner with member companies playing
an active role in identifying and overseeing all research. Spearheading
cooperation among otherwise competing companies to move the entire
systems building industry forward is a key factor in SBRA's success
in accelerating innovation.
Experience has shown that collaboration in which companies and individuals
are active participants in the research process is the most effective
formula for accelerating innovation and creating practical and marketable
First, SBRA members decide on the projects to be conducted.
As an SBRA member, you sit at the same table with industry leaders
who are potential partners and strategic allies. You help define which
projects will yield the greatest benefits.
Second, SBRA members participate in the actual work. One of
our main goals is to test new concepts with demonstration programs
and pilots. Only members can participate in these innovative new programs,
gaining valuable, first-hand experience.
Third, SBRA members have priority access to the cutting edge results,
getting high-quality and accurate information first. That's a critical
advantage in this industry, where being two months behind means you're
left in the dust.
Fourth, every dollar spent on membership is matched by other member
dollars and outside funding, including grants from public and
private sector agencies. SBRA views itself as an extension of
your business, protecting your interest in a wide range of issues.
In other words, joining SBRA is one of the best investments you
can make in your own business now and for the future.