April 7, 2008
New ENERGY STAR® Protocol for Modular Homes
Under an agreement
with the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Manufactured
Housing Research Alliance (MHRA) has developed a process,
geared specifically to the needs of modular home builders,
for building homes that earn the ENERGY STAR label. The new
protocol requires energy performance equivalent to ENERGY
STAR site built homes but with compliance procedures better
suited to factory construction.
The effort was undertaken at the request of modular builders
that found the current compliance procedures, developed primarily
for site builders, expensive and not factory friendly. In
developing the new protocol, MHRA worked closely with modular
builders, experts in the energy field and other ENERGY STAR
program stakeholders.
MHRA will be coordinating a series of pilot developments using
the new protocol. As part of the pilots, MHRA staff will assist
modular companies and their builders/dealers in qualifying
their homes for the ENERGY STAR label. Approximately five
plants will be selected to participate based on geographical
distribution, product diversity and other factors.
Manufacturers and
builders interested in participating should contact Jordan
Dentz at jdentz@research-alliance.org
by April 15, 2008. A description of the alternative compliance
process is available here.
Manufactured Homes Program Update
Across the nation,
77 plants are now actively building ENERGY STAR® homes.
MHRA welcomes these
plants to the ENERGY STAR® for Manufactured Homes program:
- Solitaire Homes, Madill, OK
- Deming Manufactured Homes, Deming, NM
- Lexington Homes, Lexington, MS
- Deer Valley Homebuilders, Guin, AL
- Hallmark-Southwest, Loma Linda, CA
- Silvercrest Western Homes, Corona, CA
These plants have
recently been qualified to produce ENERGY STAR manufactured
homes. For a complete list of plants offering ENERGY STAR
homes, click here.
For questions about
the ENERGY STAR for Manufactured Homes program, please contact
Gwynne Koch at gkoch@research-alliance.org.
Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. No part
of this newsletter may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the
prior written permission of MHRA. For comments or questions
related to MHRA ENERGY STAR Update, contact Gwynne Koch via e-mail
at gkoch@research-alliance.org.