April 25, 2006
Over 1,000 ENERGY STAR®
Homes Built
1,000 ENERGY STAR qualified manufactured homes have been built
since the energy tax credit was passed, generating around
$1 million in tax credits for those participating manufacturers. Thirty-five plants are now actively
building ENERGY STAR homes and the pace of construction continues
to increase. MHRA projects that by the end of 2006, HUD-code
manufacturers will build over 10,000 ENERGY STAR homes; homes
that will reduce monthly homeownership costs,
improve comfort and provide substantial tax benefits for participating
manufacturers. MHRA is working with state associations, utilities
and public agencies on additional incentives to increase demand
for ENERGY STAR homes.
For questions about the ENERGY STAR Manufactured Homes program,
please contact Gwynne Koch at gkoch@research-alliance.org.
Order ENERGY STAR Marketing
Reminder – ENERGY STAR marketing materials are
available. To download an order form, click on the following
link: http://www.mhrahome.org/pages/es_promotional_tools.htm
Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise without the prior written permission
of MHRA. For comments or questions related to MHRA ENERGY
STAR Update, contact Monica Fields via e-mail at mfields@research-alliance.org.