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Factory Built Housing Heating and Cooling Distribution
Systems Research Systems Building Research
Alliance, New York, 2009
SBRA conducted a research project focusing on improving the energy efficiency
and durability of the inter-module heating and cooling air distribution system
connection (the crossover duct) common to most new and existing manufactured homes.
The report describes the development of, and test results for a rigid under floor
crossover system suitable for new and existing homes, and reviews commonly used
through-the-rim crossover duct gasket solutions. Free PDF download available.
the report
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Design for a Cold-formed Steel Framing Manufactured Home:
Technical Support Document Manufactured Housing
Research Alliance, New York, 2002 The use
of light gauge steel in the structural system of residential construction has
taken hold in some site building markets but potentially offers far more value
to the manufactured home industry. MHRA is coordinating an effort to develop a
market competitive structural design, based on light gauge structural steel technology
and suitable for the home manufacturing environment. Free PDF download available.
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Structural Insulated Panels in a Manufactured Home Roof
System: Engineering Guidelines Manufactured
Housing Research Alliance, New York, 2000 Structural
insulated panels, or SIPs, are a building component that behaves structurally
like an I-beam. Although SIPs have a higher first cost than conventional framing
methods, their superior structural and thermal properties, ability to be manufactured
to high dimensional tolerances, and potential to speed home assembly make them
a compelling technology for HUD-code homes.
Members: $95 Non-Members: $190
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Guidelines for Anchor System Design: Technical Support
Document Manufactured Housing Research Alliance,
New York, 2000 In an effort to improve the
performance of foundation systems, MHRA coordinated the development of guidelines
for anchor system design and installation. The engineering analysis of the field-testing
of anchors resulted in the design of an easy-to-use anchor chart instruction card.
Members: $15 Non-Members: $30
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Manufactured Housing Fuel Switching: Field Test Study
Manufactured Housing Research Alliance, New York,
1999 The purpose of this field study was to
measure indoor air pollution and moisture levels in fuel switching manufactured
homes. Fuel switching is defined as any use of non-electric heaters to supplement
electric space heating in manufactured homes. A sample of 21 manufactured homes
was recruited for field-testing. Members:
$15 Non-Members: $30
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Equipment Sizing Charts for Air Conditioner and Heat
Pump Sizing: Technical Support Document Manufactured
Housing Research Alliance, New York, 1998 This
report describes the development of the simple graphical tools, Cooling Equipment
Sizing Charts used for sizing air conditioning units for manufactured housing.
Members: $15 Non-Members: $30
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Measured Permeance Values for Selected Interior Wall
Assemblies Manufactured Housing Research Alliance,
New York, 2000 In March 2000, HUD issued a
proposed waiver concerning condensation control for exterior walls of manufactured
homes sited in humid climates. This proposed waiver would permit the optional
placement of the vapor retarder on the outside of exterior wall insulation in
hot, humid climate regions with the provision that the interior wall board and
finish must attain a combined perm rating of 3.0 of greater. MHRA collected samples
of wall constructions from manufacturers and coordinated a series of test, applying
the ASTM E96-95 protocols, to measure perm ratings for wall systems of manufactured
homes currently in use in hot and humid climates.
Members: $15 Non-Members: $30
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